Generate Bill


A corporate account is expected to have uploaded its payroll schedule in a year. However, this can be modified when an employee leaves the company or a new employee is added to the organization.
More so, PAYE Bill Generation module uses the Company payroll as uploaded on the corporate taxpayer profile as a default schedule for PAYE (PAY AS YOU EARN) remittance.
This allows corporate tax payers manage multiple payrolls on a monthly basis for expatriate, interns and local employees

To generate a corporate bill for PAYE (This is means to pay tax on behalf of your employees) within an applied month (which can be for the current month or the previous month)

A corporate taxpayer can either generate this bill by following the two options

  • Click on ‘Pay Tax Online’ button at the top right corner of the profile page Or click on ‘Payment’ at the side bar
  • Click 'Payment' menu at the sidebar
  • Select ‘Generate/Pay Bill’ submenu from the drop-down

Either of these options, the taxpayer is directed to view a 'Generate a new bill page'


On the Generate A New Bill Page, taxpayer can view three (3) easy steps guide to pay taxes
As a corporate taxpayer

  • View the select agency dropdown field on which you can select 'Lagos State Internal Revenue' as the agency
  • View the select revenue dropdown field to select PAY AS YOU EARN (PAYE) from revenue drop-down
  • Select currency from dropdown
  • For every agency a taxpayer selects the PAYE revenue option is visible

PS: Taxpayer would view an instruction
Note: Kindly ensure the payroll on your company's taxpayer profile is updated and the most recent version of your company payroll.
PAYE Bill Generation uses the Company payroll uploaded on the corporate taxpayer profile as a default schedule for PAYE remittance.
Click Here to Update your profile if necessary

A click on 'Click Here to Update your profile if necessary' directs the corporate taxpayer to its account and update its payroll list

  • Taxpayer selects 'Applied Month' from Calendar (You can only generate a bill for the current month or the previous month)
  • Taxpayer clicks 'here' to download PAYE schedule template
  • Fill in the template sheet
  • Click 'Choose File' to upload schedule (This should not be more than 5MB size

PS: The PAYE bill generation

  • Allows for multiple bills generation for PAYE and WHT taxes remittances (By extension all bills generally), for same period (month)
  • Allows upload of schedule for each bill to be created
  • Allows bill generation for any period, both present and the in the past.

The schedule template is the same template download as downloaded at the payroll session when viewing the tabs on the corporate profile dashboard. However, Emphasis is placed on using the template as downloaded from the Generate Bill section when uploading PAYE Payroll schedule

  • Taxpayer views Total number of record
  • Taxpayer views taxpayer ID column
  • Taxpayer views taxpayer Name column
  • Taxpayer views gross income column
  • Taxpayer views total payroll tax payable (This is the monthly calculated tax due)
  • Taxpayer views 'Clear' button to clear out uploaded file and reupload a new file
  • Taxpayer views Generate Bill button
  • Taxpayer clicks on 'Generate Bill button'

Taxpayer views the PAYE Schedule pop modal which displays a summary of schedule information

  • Agency
  • Revenue
  • Taxpayer ID
  • Applied Month
  • Gross Amount
  • Tax payable
    Taxpayer clicks on 'CANCEL' button to close out pop modal
    Taxpayer clicks 'PROCEED' button to complete PAYE Schedule bill generation

A bill reference is then generated

  • Taxpayer clicks on bill reference or download bill hypertext to download the generated bill
  • Taxpayer clicks on 'Pay' button to make payment for the generated bill
  • Taxpayer clicks on 'Generate Another Bill' to create a new bill

When a corporate taxpayer wants to pay for other government dues the following is done

  • Taxpayer selects agency from dropdown list when viewing the generate a new bill page
  • Taxpayer selects other government revenue from dropdown list
  • Taxpayer can check box if it's a one-off payment
  • Taxpayer can enter Start/End date if not a one-off payment
  • Taxpayer enters amount in the amount text area
  • Taxpayer clicks 'Generate' button

  • Taxpayer will view a revalidation details pop modal
  • Taxpayer clicks 'Cancel' button to call -off bill generation
  • Taxpayer clicks ' Proceed' button to generate bill reference

  • Taxpayer views bill reference for generated bill which enable him make payment
  • Taxpayer clicks 'Generate Another Bill' to generate a new bill
  • Taxpayer clicks on bill reference or download bill hypertext to download the generated bill
  • Taxpayer clicks on 'Pay' button to make payment for the generated bill

Taxpayers view pop modal with payment options to choose from


A click on any payment option and pay button takes the user to view the confirm details page with bill reference in the third party web page

PS: Taxpayer gets to view instruction pop modal on how to make payment as generated for foreign currency

Bill report as downloaded also shows the currency type in which the money is to be paid