Forgot Password

To recover a lost password or if you forgot your initial password.

You can recover your password when you lose it or can't remember it.
To retrieve your password:


You will be redirected to a ‘Reset Password’ Page

  • Enter payer ID number on text field
  • Click ‘Proceed’
  • Click on the hyperlinked text to be directed to a login page if you already have an account and do remember your password.

A click on ‘Proceed’ sends a One-Time-Passcode (OTP) to your registered phone number and redirects you to the page to update your password.

  • Input OTP as received on text field
  • Enter new password
  • Enter password to re-confirm password on confirm password field
  • Click on ‘Eye Icon’ to hide and show password and also to verify that both password as inputted do match
  • Click on ‘Proceed’ to complete password recovery